It’s The No. 1 Country For Women In Politics — But Not In Daily Life

The war led to Rwanda’s “Rosie the Riveter” moment: It opened the workplace to Rwandan women just as World War II had opened it to American women.

An unjustified stall on Garland nomination

President Obama has done the job that the Constitution commands him to do. The Senate has not.

Domestic Violence Has a Huge Impact on the Wage Gap

There are lots of reasons women get paid less than men: Because they’reedged out of male-dominated fields; because they have a kid; or because they’re forced to work fewer hours. A new report from McKinsey & Company lists several of these factors, but it also includes one that isn’t talked about quite as often: domestic violence.

States of Cruelty

Many crucial decisions are taken at the state and local levels. If the people we elect to these offices are irresponsible, cruel, or both, they can do a lot of damage.

What Gender Pay-Gap Statistics Aren’t Capturing

Women are in fact more likely to choose lower-paying jobs, but numbers do a poor job of highlighting the cultural biases that can shape their decisions.