Here’s how to talk to your Trump-supporting relatives this Thanksgiving

It’s absolutely worth people’s time, attention and energy to have those hard conversations. It must be a long-term work in progress.

The public health threat that reveals the attacks on women’s rights

The escalation of the Zika virus in the U.S. has done some myth busting about reproductive freedom in our country.

Self-Care in the Time of Trump

For women who have endured harassment, for those who have been silenced by a man’s power, and for survivors of abuse or sexual assault, the tenor of this reckoning can be exhausting and triggering. It requires self-care.

Hillary’s Gay ‘Nephew’: ‘Aunt Hillary’ Helped Me Come Out

To see Hillary portrayed as an evil, conniving criminal is baffling to me.

A Bernie Supporter’s Enthusiastic Case For Hillary

NOW President Terry O’Neill interviews social justice activist and good friend, Mike Hersch, in the Huffington Post.